So it’s come to my attention that there’s an annoying bug that occurs with the site when viewing it on a mobile device. It seems as if the descriptions for both the homepage as well as the About Me page are so long that they overlap with the link to Hobbies in the sidebar. This results in the inability to actually click on the Hobbies link from either page.

Although really annoying, this issue can be easily circumvented by visiting any other page first, and then clicking on the Hobbies link from there. I believe that the problem is caused by the way this particular Jekyll theme (Cayman Blog, found here) handles the CSS for the pages. At the current moment, I can’t think of a way to fix this problem other than changing the page descriptions, which I’d rather not have to do. So, I’d appreciate your patience if you do decide to view my site on a mobile device. Thanks!

TL;DR: If you’re viewing on mobile and can’t click the link to Hobbies, just visit any other page besides the homepage and About Me and the link will work.

P.S. It feels so nice to finally be back at my apartment and have my desktop to work on; working on a laptop feels just so confined…